and here is what I ended up with ...
def printGrid(list):
if list:
# the character we use to demarc columns
splitchar = '|'
# how much padding
# (spaces to add to the data in each cell)
pad = 1
# 2d dictionary with each row of data
myArray = {}
# the array that keeps count how wide the columns should be
myColCount = {}
# how many rows
rownum = 0
# how many columns
colnum = 0
# how wide the column
colwidth = 0
# find out how many rows we have
rownum = len(list)
# find out how many columns we have
for cols in list[0].split(splitchar):
# we also initialize the values of
# myColCount for each column and
# we set it to 0
myColCount[colnum] = 0
# increase the colnum value by 1
colnum += 1
# for each row ...
for r in range(rownum):
# we populate myArray dictionary
# with a list created by splitting
# on a defined character (default is |)
myArray[r] = list[r].split('|')
#loop through columns
for c in range(colnum):
#then loop through rows
for r in range(rownum):
length = len(myArray[r][c])
#if the length of the string is bigger or equal
# than what is in the myColCount dictionary ...
if length >= myColCount[c]:
# we set the new value to length + padding
# and that is how we populate the myColCount dictionary
# with column width values
myColCount[c] = (length + pad)
colwidth = myColCount[c]
# for each row of data ...
for r in range(rownum):
# we reset str and border on each iteration of this outer loop
str = ''
border = ''
# for each column ...
for c in range(colnum):
#all our column widths are stored in the myColCount dictionary
colwidth = myColCount[c]
# we set the border by multiplying dashes by the column width
border += '+' + "%-*s" % (colwidth,'-'*(colwidth))
# we set the string with a pipe character and set it
# to the width specified by colwidth and we use the - to left align
str += "|" + "%-*s" % (colwidth, myArray[r][c])
# we add an ending mark and newline
border += "+\n"
# we add an ending mark and newline
str += "|\n"
print border
print str
# we print the bottom border
print border
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