Sunday, April 8, 2012

Xubuntu MythTV build

This is my HTPC build using Xubuntu 11.04.

* Case:                  Silverstone ML03B
* Hard Drive:       Corsair Force Series 3 60GB SATA III (SSD)
* Motherboard:    ASUS E35M1-M PRO Fusion AMD E-350 APU (1.6GHz, Dual-Core) Micro ATX
* Memory:           Crucial 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1066
* Power Supply:  picoPSU-160 w/100 Watt Brick from
* TV Tuner:         pcHDTV tuner from
* Remote:             Windows MCE remote (mine doesn't require lirc and uses a usb IR dongle)

 My intent was to build a totally fanless build, but after sensing the CPU getting too hot, I gave in and installed the fan that came with the motherboard. Before installing the fan, I did remove the pretty "Asus" label that sat on top of the heatsink for better airflow. Also the ML03 has a mesh opening right above the CPU heatsink.

   HDMI video out was not working.
  1. Connected the motherboard to a monitor via VGA cable. 
  2. Ran apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade  
  3. Ran proprietary drivers applet from the menu (jockey-gtk from the CLI), enabled the "AMD/ FGLRX" driver. 
  4. Shutdown the computer. 
  5. Disconnected the VGA cable. 
  6. With the HDMI cable connected to my receiver and the right input selected on my receiver, I turned on the computer, and video out worked fine. 
   HDMI audio out was not working.
(In Ubuntu 12.04 this can be enabled in the audio control panel, without the below steps.)
  1. Ran lspci -l 

    card 0: Generic [HD-Audio Generic], device 3: HDMI 0 [HDMI 0]
    Subdevices: 0/1
    Subdevice #0: subdevice #0

    Since the HDMI audio device is card 0 and device 3:

    1. Created a previously non-existent /etc/asound.conf
    2. Added the following:

      pcm.!default {
      type hw
      card 0
      device 3
    3. Ran alsamixer -c 0 and pressed m to unmute S/PDIF
    4. Rebooted the computer

I now had both sound and video coming out of the HDMI port.

    MythFrontend would hang while viewing Live TV
  1. on the server side, I set /etc/exports to
    /NetworkBackup/MythTV `allowed IP`(async,rw,no_subtree_check)
  2. on the client side, I set /etc/fstab to
    `NFS Server`:/NetworkBackup/MythTV /MythTV nfs rw,async,nfsvers=3,actimeo=0,tcp,soft  0 0
I used this link for guidance:


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