Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Simply Seth Update

Greetings brethren.
I have been quite busy doing nothing and everything.
I was involved with a youth event in Rochester and then another in Buffalo.
I'm still trying to build this program for a local barbershop.
I'm also quite busy with the House.

Rochester Housing Authority had me going back and forth with 3 inspections .. finally on the third inspection, I passed.
Just today I had to go back to submit paperwork and hopefully now they will leave me at peace and pay me my money.

I think of you guys often.
You guys are still very near and dear to my heart.
The many sided blessings that you brothers are to me, mere words cannot suffice.
I pray that all is well with you and your spouses (and future spouse for we know who).

What I wrote above was just the surface stuff.
Feel free to stop here.

What is going on beneath the surface.
Beneath the surface there is change going on.
With change there is uncertainty, doubts, new discoveries and a doing away with things.
There is brewing within me a seemingly insatiable desire for the word.
I long more and more to know intimately more about the object of my greatest affection.
The object of my greatest affection being the Lord Jesus the Christ.

I hunger to know about Him, to know Him and to know His word.
I am thankful that my new church does expository preaching (line by line explanation).
Its helped some and having my John MacArthur Study Bible also helps.
I've been learnin' some things and yet I have many questions.
This is one wild ride, exciting, frustrating and wonderful all in one.

I have a new relationship with sin as well.
Yep, I sure do.
The more I study the word of God the more I see how sinful and how needful of Christ I am.
Grace , sweet sweet grace. Grace is all the more sweeter when I see how how bad I am.

Well that is all for now.
Thanks for reading.
God bless you.

Here are my projects:

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